I think

You score

He provides

We create

You take a risk

They succeed

We all get wet

We are not a condom, nor dark chocolate, alcohol nor driving-women-crazy-deodorants commercial... even though we could do that. And this is what we do: think, contribute and create.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained!

We are a young audiovisual production company gathering professionals with experience in Cinema, Commercials, Documentary and Music Videos. Such varied experiences allow us to be flexible on the content that we produce and to adapt to our client's demands.


Albert Lagos Muñumel – Director

see biography

Lluís Fe Pérez – Productor

see biography

Azahara Polo

see biography

Giancarlo Bianchi

see biography

Igor Sound

see biography

Iñaki Gorraiz

see biography

Lola Funes

see biography

Nelu Teleptean

see biography

Arnau Tàsies

see biography

Designing Code

see biography


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